Fitness Blog

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The Cost Of Not Investing In Your Health

February 21, 20241 min read

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” - Mark Twain

Let me ask you a question...

What is the cost of not living an active and healthy lifestyle?

I know you might be concerned with the investment in our 12 week coaching program. It's normal to feel nerves.

It might be more than you’ve ever spent on your health and yourself.

But what is the cost of not changing anything?

You will continue to:

👉 Feel stuck or not achieving your body composition goals

👉 Feel low energy in the afternoons or even mid mornings

👉 Feel like you could be doing more for your health

But in order to change, you have to be willing to try something new.

Our 12-week coaching program is a new way to approach fitness & lifestyle change.

You will go through a complete program that teaches you everything you need to know AND also walks you through it so you have some accountability.

You will leave the 12-week program working out 3x/week consistently, losing weight & feeling in the best shape of your life.

You won’t be on your own left to figure out because you'll get personalized support & guidance at a fraction of the cost of a personal trainer.

What would your body, confidence & results be if you were willing to invest in your health?

Join our 12-week Coaching program.


You will see results & finally start living a healthy & active lifestyle.

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Love the way you look, feel strong, fit, and live more active.

About Us

We’ll help you take the guesswork out of staying in shape so you can achieve your fitness goals. With our coaching program, you will confidently exercise, meal plan, and stay committed to your goals, without spending a fortune on a personal trainer.

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2023 Copyright © Iron Forged, Inc.

About Us

We’ll help you take the guesswork out of staying in shape so you can achieve your fitness goals. With our coaching program, you will confidently exercise, meal plan, and stay committed to your goals, without spending a fortune on a personal trainer.

Do you want help to transform your body and fitness?

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2022 Copyright © Factory Forged